games, new media, virtual reality, immersive design

Micro Grasses Mural Project (2024)

Trish Stone, Lacey Coover, Gloria Crosswaithe

The Micro Grasses Mural at Kendall-Frost Reserve is the reult of visits to the research site, playfull collaboration, and micorscopic study of plant life. The digital painting traces the colors and forms of the wetland's grasses, as captured through field microscopy, and interpreted by the artists. Support for the project provided by PST ART ad UC San Diego. This site-specific work for PST ART: Embodied Pacific at Kendall-Frost Reserve opens September 2024.




Unity 3D, 2022

A virtual walkthrough of QI's Atkinson Hall, showcasing student projects in the gallery spaces. Scan QR codes with your phone to learn more about the projects.

PLAY in browser


Unity 3D, 2022

XR Studio design with student interns Xun Xhu and Haoxuan Wang demonstrates energy use and recyclability of equiment in VR lab.

Presentation recording:

Demo at 3:12


Unity 3D, 2022

Student interns Zongze Chen, Angel Mai, Chloe Lee, and Casey Toy simulated a flood in Atkinson Hall, to examine how epathic response can be created in Oculus VR.

Presentation recording:

Demo at 11:00min.


Unity 3D, 2021

<PLAY> the game in browser

I led this research project in order to facilitate virtual exhibitions at Galery QI during the pandemic. Players can walk through models of the gallery spaces and view student projects from the Qualcoom Institute Learning Academy. Contributors include Trish Stone (Lead Game Design and Modelling), Scott Blair (Video Streaming), Khalil Jackson (Development), Michael Trigilio (Additional Models and Music), Joyce Gu (Student Intern), and Hannah Truong (Student Intern).



Unity AR game 2021

<MORE> more info on game on itch

I led an undergraduate research project SAVE MIKU in response to the need to better serve those with mental health issues. In this AR game, players interact with the vocaloid character Miku in order to learn about her mental health issues and practice supporting her. Contributers include: Trish Stone (Project Lead), Joyce Fernandez, Hao Zhang, Yanxin Xiao, and Takashi Yabuta.



Unity 3D game, 2021

<PLAY> the game in browser

Link to video walkthrough

I led a student research group through Qi Academy to build Micronaut, an interactive game that allows players to see through the eyes of a microorganism to explore and learn about the ocean ecosystem. Collaborators include Jules Jaffe (SCRIPPS) and students Jasmine Guerrero and Shiv Sakthivel (UCSD.) This work will be featured in Embodied Ocean, 2024.


ANTI-PLAGUE, Unty 2D game, 2020

<PLAY> the game in browser

Through the Qi Learning Academy's AIP program, I mentored an interdisciplinary student group in the creation of a 2D game in Unity. The project examined strategies that the player could chose to employ against the spread of COVID-19, notably social distancing and hospital treatment. Lead: Trish Stone. Students: Yixing Wang, Hainan Xong, Sijie Liu. This work was featured in the Antibodies exhibit at Gallery QI, 2022.

Link to publication, 2021


While working at the research facility of Calit2's Qualcomm Institute at UC San Diego, I have been experimenting with CAVEcam, LIDAR, 4K and 8K visual imaging tools, and producing artworks in collaboration with faculty, students, and visiting researchers. These high resolution data sets are intended for view in the Immersive Visualization Labs at Qualcomm Institute in stereo 3D, 4K and 8K projection, and tiled wall display. My interest in using these cutting edge technologies resides in the question of how a personal perspective can be realized from machine driven imaging techniques. While the research projects were mutlifaceted, and my role often included that of Coordinator, Producer, Camera Operator, Technician, and Programmer, the examples below represent a selection of works where my role as artist was primary.


ARQiVE Culture, 2017

Link to HD Video, 3 min

An 8K video curated from samples of the gallery@calit2's exhibits and public talks (2008-2016) focused on the four research themes at Qualcomm Insititute: culture, energy, health, and the environment, intended for playback on the 8K Sony projector in Calit2 Auditorium. Curated and produced in 8K by Trish Stone. Music and Sound Design by Michael Trigilio.

glimpses, 2016

A 4K video featuring selections from the IDEAS performance series (2014-2015). Intended for playback on the Sony 4K projector in the Calit2 Auditorium. Produced in 4K by Trish Stone. Music and Sound Design by Michael Trigilio.

CAVE to CAVE, 2014

The CAVE to CAVE research project, conceived as from Lascaux Cave to StarCAVE, was led by Ricardo Dominguez with undergraduate students enrolled in the ICAM class. We worked together to pursue gestures of institutional intervention and virtual embodiment on campus. LIDAR scans, CAVEcam panormas, and 3D models from the project were created and shown at a public event at the end of the quarter, as well as at a screening at MCASD.

Speed of Light, LIDAR scan, 2014

Virtual Gallery (Bodies), LIDAR scan, 2014


The SESMI (Socially Engaged Speculative Media Initiative) CSRO project was led by Michael Trigilio with undergraduate student researchers. The aim of the project was to visualize how we might communicate aspects of our daily lives to our future selves, 3000 years in the future. To this end, we created a mulimedia suite of 4K videos, 3D panoramas, LIDAR scans, and 3D videos and exhibited them in a public event as part of the IDEAS performance series.

Mothering a Drone, 4K Video, 2014

Macy's Without Macy's, Stereo Panorama, 2014

KACST, 2011

View From Curiosity, Stereo Panorama, Image Credit NASA JPL, 2011

The collaboration between Calit2 UC San Diego and KACST (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology) was led by Ramesh Rao, Director of Qualcomm Institute Calit2. For this project i was interested in how data collected on the Mars Rover Curiosity could be collected and formatted for the TourCAVE under construction in Saudi Arabia. It was shown at the university's grand opening in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 3D and as a printed stereo pair at gallery@calit2.

KAUST, 2009

The collaboration between Calit2 UC San Diego and KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) was led by Ramesh Rao, Director of Qualcomm Institute Calit2. I acted as a research assistant, learning CAVEcam3D stereo panoramic techniques and LIDAR scanning techniques. I then transferred this knowledge to collaborators from KAUST, working with them to capture, stitch, and present the data.